Children 2 years until Nursery Funding - £6.20 per hour. We know you might have questions around fees and sessions - contact us and ask as many questions as you like - these things are very important!
Children eligible for early years funding entitlement (EYFE) for the term after their 3rd birthday - your entitlement is 15 hours per week for 38 weeks free or we accept the 30 free hours per week - times flexible between 9.00am and 3.00pm (see below for more details).
If staying for lunch, the children should bring a packed lunch which they will have under supervision at 12.00.
All payments must be made half-termly in advance.
Our registration fee is just £45.00 (required when booking) and we will give you a free uniform of polo shirt and jumper.
Our aim is to be flexible, to help you and your family.
Our sessions
MONDAY...........08:30 - 16:00
TUESDAY............08:30 - 16:00
WEDNESDAY......08:30 - 16:00
THURSDAY..........08:30 - 16:00
FRIDAY................08:30 - 16:00
Low fees & flexible hours to suit your family
FREE 15 and 30 hours accepted
Sessions & Fees
Including flexible hours Mon - Fri, between the times of 08:30 to 16:00
All three and four year olds are, from the term after their third birthday, eligible for early years free entitlement (EYFE) funded hours 15 hours a week for 38 weeks per year (term-time only) or if the child attends year round, 570 hours stretched over the year. Some three and four year olds are eligible for up to 30 funded hours a week (term-time only) 1140 stretched over the year, this is the ‘working parent entitlement’.
Some two year olds, whose families are in receipt of government support are eligible for 15 EYFE funded hours per week term-time only (or 570 stretched over the year), they can apply locally for this here: Childcare support for 2 year olds (
The government is currently expanding the working parent entitlement; from April 2024 some two year olds are eligible for 15 hours term time only (570 stretched) and from September 2024 this extends to eligible children from the term after they are nine months old.
For further information, eligibility criteria and how to apply go to the government’s Childcare Choices website